Worst Habits When Spending Money

Nobody’s perfect and life can be hard, but all cliches aside, in order to make life a bit easier and more perfect you should start looking to get your money in order. If getting your personal spending under control bewilders you, start by concentrating on these areas to get you on the right track.

Not tracking spending

The best place to start is tracking spending. It’s a good idea to track everything. You don’t have to go at it alone. Download a personal finance app like Level Money or Mint that tracks your spending and crafts budgets for you. The app market is full of apps to help you tackle tracking spending.

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Not working within a budget

In the short run, it may not seem that a few Chipotle burritos and frappuccinos will hurt your wallet. Over time, those expenses add up and can strain your resources. Take some time at the beginning of each month to create a budget that accounts for your invariable expenses such as bills and transportation then factor in the nonessentials and impulse purchases. If you can’t live without the burrito or frappuccino, make a budget for those items!

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Buying things you don’t want or need

Impulse purchases can seriously get in the way of you building a secure financial future of your making. Before you buy something nonessential, ask yourself important questions like:

-Is this straining my budget?

-Will I use it a lot, or will I use it once to take a cool Instagram photo and then forget about it?

Brown shopping bags

In order to master the art of spending money efficiently, you have to know yourself. Know what is important to you and what you can live without. Figure out when your impulse control is weak and when it is strong. Know yourself and keep your eye on the prize because at the end of the day having a handle on your money is anything but cliche.

About Vola:

Vola Finance can advance you up to $300 at NO INTEREST. Vola Finance can make sure your bank balance does not get too low and alert you before it does so that you don’t pay overdraft or NSF fees. Furthermore, Vola Finance breaks down your spending pattern to help you budget your upcoming expenses and find ways for you to save.

Vola supports over 6000 banks and credit unions and uses one of the nation’s largest bank connection providers to securely establish a link to your account.

Vola is transparent. There are NO HIDDEN FEES Vola operates by charging a subscription fee, there are no other charges. If the features offered by Vola are not compatible with your bank or phone, Vola Finance will refund you your subscription fee.

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